Cleaning Sewer Drains in Lawrence & Topeka, KS
Storms and fires typically pop into mind when most Lawrence & Topeka residents think about emergencies. But many hazards can start within your own house. If your house or company in Lawrence & Topeka, KS has sewer troubles, avoiding help for it can foster disease and disaster. Whether it’s a small sink clog or a severely overflowing toilet, touching any kind of sewer water is dangerous. When you encounter this issue, avoid handling it alone. Contact the Paul Davis Emergency Services to sterilize the mess correctly.
Professional Waste Removal
Sewer water is gross, but that isn’t the only reason to stay away from it. Large and small backups can bring contaminated water onto your property or even feed disease into your drinking water. The same bacteria and viruses found in sewage can develop in sanitary, but stagnant water. For example, Leptospirosis, E. Coli are a few of the illnesses found in sewer water.
Black water rises from beyond the toilet trap and typically carries or has come in contact with solid waste. Black water typically holds or has come in contact with solid waste and stays stagnant enough to incubate harmful pathogens. Black water can also be spotted in natural water sources. If you come across a black water flood in your home or office, call the Paul Davis Emergency specialists immediately.
Lawrence & Topeka Sanitation Professionals
If you ever witness a sewer leak at home, call Paul Davis Emergency Services. Our experts are highly knowledgeable in handling dangerous chemicals. We serve the Lawrence & Topeka area with quick responding help for sewer backups, leaks and mold removal. The longer you hesitate to treat water or sewer damage, the worse the hazard will become. Contact us today!